From a Muslim to a Christian / Von einer Muslimin zur Christin / Od muslimanke ka Hriscanstvu

16.02.2022 19:41

Mutter Gottes , Die Existierende - Panagia Iparhousa - Virgin Mary, weeping Icone "The existing"

27.06.2014 11:39


1. Weeping icone of Virgin Mary the Existing  /     NEW:    A Vidio of the weeping icon  

Panagia Iparhousa   / Placuca Ikona majke Bogorodice -postojuca

Fortsetzung : 

sie stets bekennen :  und wir, die Sündigen, haben Dich als Fürbitterin beim Herrn. Gefängniss des Heiligen Apostels Petrus 2002


In the autumn 1995 this icon was ordered to be paint according to the vision of the All-Holy Virgin Mary to a young woman in Jerusalem. She used to be Muslim until  the blessed Theotokos (Mother of God) instructed her  to believe in Jesus Christ and to let her self be baptized into an orthodox Christian.

It was a wish of the Mother of God  : 

I wish You to make an icon of me with a sad face, black clothes and with my three fingers folded. The name of the icon should be "The existing"/ Iparhousa ". The icon was written in Autumn 1996.


2002 on the celebration of the " Entry into the Temple of our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary" after the Liturgy in the Monastery St. Nikodimos wonder making tears began to run from the eyes on the icon. Ever after the eyes stay full with tears. The sad expression, the black clothes together with the tears hint to the apostasy of the humankind,to the upcoming grief as well to the appearance of the Antichrist.

The tree folded finger mean the one Holy Thrinity and the One, eternal and true God. 

The title "The existing" means that she really is the Mother of God. And He gave her the priviledge of salvation through grace of mercy fulness. And when the Heretics and the Antichrists blaspheme  and say she would not exist, 

we are always going to avow ourselves: We the sinners Have You as our intercessor in front of the God!  

The prison of St. Apstol Petrus in Jerusalem 2002



Quote :  

Orthodox Saints - Virgin Mary the "Iparhousa" - 14x20cm

This icon is a replica of the Weeping Virgin Mary found in Jerusalem. It was painted in 1995 after a vision in a dream by a Muslim girl who claimed that Virgin Mary visited her in her sleep and instructed her to undertake the creation of an icon in which she has a mourning posture and clothing, her first three fingers are held togerther symbolizing the Holy Triad, and the name of the icon is "Iparhousa" ("Existing"). A few years later (on November 21, 2002) visitors of the church hosting the icon, and on the day of the "Presentation of the Virgin Mary  witnessed that the Virgin Mary's eyes appear to be weeping and tears were running down the icon.